Saturday, July 20, 2019

MBA Admissions Essays - The Value of Dynamic Creativity :: MBA College Admissions Essays

MBA Admissions Essays - The Value of Dynamic Creativity    In my junior year of high school I attended an assembly where potential class presidents outlined their positions and ideas for the future. I remember dozing off during the first two speeches, which covered topics such as soda machines and trips to Six Flags Great Adventure. The final individual that spoke did something different. He talked about students in our class. The thing he found special about everyone was that they each possessed character. Having had about seven years to reflect on that speech, I now understand what he meant by character . A person's character can mean different things to different people, but for me, it is qualities that make an individual unique.  Ã‚  Ã‚        The first trait that gives someone character is dynamic creativity. In order to solve complex problems or to complete a difficult task, I feel the ability to come up with fresh ideas is essential. A student who studies for exams and memorizes formulas might not be as well equipped to handle real world problems as someone who is able to put his or her book knowledge to practical use. I believe that the importance of creativity also extends to life choices that people make. In my eyes, someone who spends their summer volunteering at an archeological dig or in a homeless shelter, even though they could have been working for a salary, is making a creative choice. In that sense, I value people who are risk-takers, people who are willing to do something without the guarantee of success. What is also important to me are people who approach situations with an honest and positive attitude. Often, I talk to people who are applying to schools or jobs, and they sincerely want to get accepted or hired, but reservations about their qualifications or ability cloud their thinking. My experience has shown me that successful people do not only want success, but also expect it.      Another piece to the character puzzle is awareness, understanding, and open-mindedness of others. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand why another person believes that way he or she believes, or does what he or she does. When someone does something another might deem illogical, taking into account the individual's circumstances and experiences might lead you to understand why the action occurred. I therefore place a premium on people who take the time and effort to comprehend their fellow man.

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