Thursday, September 26, 2019

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion Personal Statement

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion - Personal Statement Example Some businesses benefit from having owners that are active participants in the business that is their livelihood. The only potential opening for unethical behavior would be if this radiologist is interested in abusing her position or finding negative and underhanded means that could undermine the clinics integrity; or was in anyway, compromising patient care, which is not yet an issue. In fact, as stated prior, it is a possibility that the partnership could be beneficial to the clinic not a hindrance. However, again, the ethics of the situation has less to do with the proposed scenario and more to do with the individual that is in the scenario. Some have suggested that the sale of organs in the U.S. would increase the supply of viable organs for transplant. Others have said that only voluntary donation is ethical under the U.S. system of medicine. Should someone in India, for example, be permitted to sell a kidney for $40,000 when there is a willing buyer from the U.S. who is in need of a kidney? What are the issues here? It is proposed that the potential sale of human organs would increase the number of organs available to those who may need them. However, it is also just as likely that the allowance of such sales would lead down a much darker path. By allowing the individual sale of organs creates a market; supply and demand. Simply put, it is very likely that instead of having more potential organs for those who needed them, there would be less. People are going to be less civically moved to donate organs, when there is a possibility of an economical motivation. Why donate when you can make a profit? Secondly, a strong issue is that once a high dollar value is placed on human parts, then it is no longer about who needs the organ the most, due to condition and severity, but to whom can pay the most to receive it. This is where the

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