Thursday, October 31, 2019

Retail brands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Retail brands - Essay Example Consumer retailing is one of the major aspects of marketing prevalent in the present age of growing competition. Modern day retailing has evolved from family run businesses to multinational organizations like Wal-Mart and TESCO which run operations across numerous regions of the globe. The statement â€Å"Retail brands are about more than just putting your name on products† has far reaching influence on the business prospects and strategies of retail organizations. The statement assumes greater importance in the wake of growing competition which has been characterised by the advent of globalisation where corporate organizations are trying to reach out to consumer breaching geographical boundaries. This has enhanced the nature of competition among the existing firms with regards to acquiring customers. Branding is one of the most important aspects that are considered by consumers while evaluating the stores with regards to the purchase of goods and services. Retailers are there fore making considerable efforts in building up a brand image of their products in the market. Branding has a large implication of the purchase decision of the consumers which has prompted corporate organizations to formulate policies so as to have a strong brand image to position their brands in the minds of the customers.A research report states that the brand value of a retail store is determined to a large extent by the brand image of the products available in the retail store. Private labels have also begun to play an important role in the brand image of the retail store (Cullen & Whelan, 1997, p.906-907). A report published in the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management states the example of fashion retailers in UK where the market players have effectively used branding strategies to segregate themselves in the tough and competitive UK market. The report also states the role of private labels apart from the national brands as means to enhance the brand image of their stores in the minds of the consumers. Private labels have a greater impact on the brand image of the retail store as they bear the name of the retail store. This generates greater importance for these products with regards to branding. It is important for the retailers to ensure that the product mix of the private labels or the products bearing the brand name of the retail store matches with the branding strategies of the retail outlet. The report also lays down a set of criterions that must be taken into consideration by the retail outlets with regards to branding strategies. Firstly, the retailer should analyse whether the customer is able to dissociate the private label brand with the main competitors of the product. Secondly, the firm also has to analyse whether the brand has an image that can help it to command a premium market share or the value for money segment. Thirdly, marketers have to analyse whether the private label brand can be sold as a distinct product from the shelves of other retailers as well. Finally the firm must also be able to analyse whether the private label brand offers considerable brand value to the consumers. The report states that it is essential for organizations to effectively analyse the above stated sets of criterions before launching a private label brand (Birtwistle & Freathy, 1998, p.318, 319). According to a study conducted by Burt and Encinas (2000), the aspect of branding of individual products by the retailers also assumes considerable significance with regards to international expansion. The advent of globalisation and emergence of developing markets like India and China have made it highly profitable for retailers to set up shops in these nations. The authors point out that brand image of a retailer

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Example for Free

Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Advertising is one of the worlds foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal. This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps people when they get into trouble where they cant reach the phone, because they are immobilised. I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people to part with their money. This form of the appeal is a leaflet. Leaflets can be specially designed to appeal to a particular audience or aspect of society; this leaflet is aimed at anyone who has money. The purpose of it is to convince these people that their product is: reliable; fast acting; state-of-the-art; easy-to-use and most of all, lifesaving. If it succeeds than Help The Aged will get their reward of a donation that, in theory, should then be spent on the pensioners. The advert uses several conventions to convey their tricks and tactics to the target audience. I will elaborate these as I examine the advert. On the first part of the leaflet (The Front) we see Vera alive and well, along with a caption to the picture that, arguably, could be seen as the title to the leaflet. The photograph of Vera depicts her as smiling, cheerful and in good health. From this, empathy is drawn from the audience, giving the advert a good note from which to begin with. It can also be seen as a pointer to what the outcome of the event is, in a similar way to the introduction to Romeo and Juliet. The caption or title of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than black and white. At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the audience want to read on. The second part of the advert or Middle of the leaflet is a transcript of the conversation between Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts: A quotation, used as a title An introduction to the transcript The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript And an epilogue to the piece. The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant. Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene, where Veras predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: To her horror is highlighted to make it stand out more, as it is shocking and important. The intro ends with another ellipsis, opening the way for the transcript. Just before the transcript is a picture of both Lyn and Vera, depicted as happy, this is showing: how good the receiving staff is and how pleased Vera is to be alive. The transcript itself is 16 lines long, combining playscript style speech and bold typed event explanations. The playscript reads like normal speech, Vera pauses and the text is punctuated appropriately, Please Help me! The language is different for Vera and Lyn, Vera sounds helpless and afraid, while Lyn sounds calm and efficient. At three intervals the scripting cuts into a short explanatory line, distinguished by its bold enhancement. These explain what is happening, like directors notes. We are expected to give the appeal some trust and believe that the conversation really happened. Finally there is an epilogue where, using reassuring text, they bring this ordeal to an end. They finish this section by emphasising that the SeniorLink saves lives. The final part of the advert, the back, is the possibly the most important. It is the advert in full, the appeal or the explanation section. It is nine paragraphs that encompass all of the emotion, drawn from before and add to it, then channel it into giving a donation. The title of the piece is large, bold and eye-catching. It is presumably a joke to suggest that she could, hear voices as some old people develop insanity. Otherwise the comment that she is alive because she could hear voices is a stupid one and not thought out. The first paragraph is an assurance that Vera made a full recovery, thanks to the SeniorLink system. This is to put worried minds at rest. Then in clear bold text it says: But many other elderly people arent so lucky, This shows that next the appeal will give information, possibly facts on old people that didnt make it through their ordeals. Paragraph 2 is apparently a factual one, where they give you shocking statistics on how many people dont survive each week. This is supposed to appeal to your human nature and lull you into wanting to help decrease this statistic. Next comes another single line of text that prepares you for upcoming information. It is underlined and utilises an emphasising adverb, which is describing an adjective, tragic. This is used to change it from being tragic to really tragic, emphasis. The next two paragraphs are two cases, which are utilised to shock you further, and again to appeal to your Human side. The fifth paragraph is in bold text and is designed to be reliving after the heavy emotion carrying paragraphs. It is positive and righteous. It opens with a statement of good, Yet tragedy can be avoided This is showing the gold horizon, while saying that our cause is the most important cause. Then in the second sentence it uses the mysterious inference again: Hearing Voices In the sixth paragraph the appeal itself surfaces and they make their quick request for money, while surrounding it with ideas of stopping unnecessary deaths and the strange voice inference again. The donation request itself is only five words long, out of the whole advert. It is short and enveloped to try to mask their intentions, while making it stand out in your mind. Also in this paragraph two words are underlined to add emphasis on their aims. The next paragraph is a short direct paragraph and adds a little more emphasis on the pendant itself. Paragraph eight is the technical element, it explains exactly what the pendant is, wrapped in technical terms to show that this is cutting edge technology and is really effective. The text ends with a warm climax ands shows one last time that the pendant is an amazing thing. The logo of Help The Aged is a rising sun, symbolising that there is dawning hope and always a light for old people. In conclusion, the advert uses most of the persuasive techniques in the handbook, from simple adjectives and bold text to psychological hints and shocking facts. However I would say that the advert has been worked at: psychologically wise, everything is in the right place, and the things that should stand out do stand out. At every step of the way they have used persuasive writing, showing that: Vera survived because of the pendant, The pendant is efficient and will always work, Pensioners without a pendant die frequently, Preventing the deaths is easy: donate money. On a personal level I wasnt convinced, I saw the IT tricks and psychological hints as insults, and saw right through them. Perhaps Im wrong, and I just am not human enough to see that they really are doing good in the world. But, most people would or should give money as it is fairly well thought through and has pretty shocking facts, if theyre true. I have learned that advertising is a crooked business and has many ways of persuasion. It does take a lot of thought.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay

The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay Health, Wellbeing and Quality of Life is defined in different ways due to circumstances of the person it represents comparing age and gender brings different results as so does the economic status of the person and what social class they belong Blaxter (1990) study of health and lifestyle of 9000 people in the UK showed that a percentage of people could not tell when they were healthy only that they knew when they are unwell peoples perceptions of health show in studies that the elderly define health and quality of life as being able to move around where as a younger person might think running a marathon or going to a gym make you healthy. Disease can have a major negative impact on health and wellbeing feeling that a label has been placed on someone makes them feel that they are now classed as defective and this knocks confidence to improve their situation and they fail to regain a better quality of life Exploring different sectors of society we see a bigger picture that health, wel lbeing and quality of life means different things to everyone Elderly people have experienced many changes over the years physically and mentally their bodies no longer agile as when they were young making simple tasks around the home a challenge mobility has one of the biggest impacts stair climbing and general moving around safely in the home impact on how the older person feels their quality of life is now compared to how they were younger physical impairments sight and hearing loss weakening of limbs and arthritic conditions makes the person feel they can no longer lead a fulfilling life and fear losing their independence With health promotion to improve the quality of life of elderly people service improvements can be put into place including community care and day centres (Hubley and Copeman 2010 p104) provisions to make the home safer and providing equipment such as walking aids and stairlifts which the local authority may help to fund also the local council can supply nutritious meals through its meals on wheels service ensuring the elderly person gets hot food. Another major factor in the United Kingdom that affects quality of life and health is housing according to the World Health Organization the conditions of living in insufficient housing has contributing factors to numerous avertable maladies amongst these include respirational problems, nervous system, diseases of the heart and cancer So for the lower class people those who fall into the scale of poverty, homeless including those living in temporary accommodation and the unemployed their quality of life will be impaired as there are very little options in where they reside with council and housing waiting lists at an all-time high over 1.7 million households are currently waiting for social housing (Shelter 2012) private rented accommodation is another option but with unscrupulous landlords looking to make easy money and not maintaining their properties people are living in dangerous and unhealthy conditions properties may have damp issues which affect the respiratory system causing such ailments as asthma and bronchitis as well as suffering more colds and flu although these are treatable with medication or by moving home then a person can regain a better quality of life another problem facing the lower class is stress living in unsuitable accommodation or in a poor run-down neighbourhoods with anti-social problems such as drug abuse and noise the stress can put a strain on family relationships causing arguments and unhappiness the area may not be safe for children to play out and this affects the quality of life not only of adults but children suffer too and this may affect their schooling by ill health causing time off on the other scale of the ladder we see people who are in steady employment and have the finances to purchase their own property in areas of their own choosing these people have a better quality of life and health as they have the finances for improved medical and health treatment and with the satisfaction of achievement of having better things owning a home, career, financial security, car and holidays Most have found they are in the sector who are enjoying health, wellbeing and quality of life A decent home is fundamental to peoples well-being (Shelter 2007) One of the most traumatic and stressful things a person can go through in life is finding themselves homeless there are many reasons why this may happen a private landlord may decide to sell the house they have been leasing out or it could be a breakdown of a relationship or having to flee domestic violence there have been a significant amount of homes being repossessed as people cant keep up the mortgage payments due to job loss, ill health or financial problems There are also other reasons why a person might find themselves homeless such as a person from another country seeking asylum in the UK everyones experience of homelessness is different for some people they will find themselves staying with family or friends others especially families who cannot be found a home immediately will be placed in temporary accommodation where they may have to share facilities such as bathroom and kitchen this can make a person feel degraded accommodation may not be found in the local vicinity meaning people may be far away from family and friends and they can feel isolated For those not so fortunate to have temporary accommodation because of issues such as mental health, drug and alcohol abuse these people may find themselves sleeping rough on the streets or squatting in unsafe and unsanitary conditions the charity St Mungos based in London hold a survey of the homeless people who attend their centre each year and the findings show that there is very poor health amongst the homeless people as shown in their 2012 survey 64% had a physical health condition and 70% were suffering mental health problems (see Appendix A,B and C) the survey clearly shows that most of the homeless people suffered a poor quality of health for some a change is possible with medication to improve mental health or people addressing their addictions and seeking help from medical or self-help group taking responsibility will empower the person to lead a better life with the possibility of getting a home and job a person can then gain back a good quality of life Everyone has a responsibility for their own health and well-being for others higher up the social ladder this is easier as they have safer cleaner living conditions and access to private medical care and facilities where this may be impossible for others such as the homeless and gypsys who are constantly moving around and may not have access to facilities education can play a good part in giving advice to these sectors especially on the importance of childhood vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases and infections such as chicken pox, Measles and whooping cough and provide advice to the elderly who may need care for arthritis and other ageing conditions with health promotion members of the community who are trusted can relay the information and help improve the communities health. the Government and National Health Service have set up many schemes to help people with addictions, healthy eating, exercise and unemployment initiatives Charitys such as Shelter provide help on hous ing crisis and homelessness and Age UK help promote advice and services to help the elderly community It is possible with knowledge to make changes and to some degree people can experience health, wellbeing and quality of life. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C ,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Song of Solomon Essays: Erotica :: Song Solomon essays

Erotica in Song of Solomon The use of erotica can be seen very clearly in the "Song of Solomon". First of all, one must keep in mind that it comes from the bible so one will not here vulgar things or even words that you know are directly talking about sex. However, if you read closely, you can here the implicit remarks that these young lovers seems to be making, not only about each others body, but also about what each would like to do with the other. The first time that the male of the genre talks about his lover he describes her physical attributes. The most obvious is the description of her breast in which he says, "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins"(7:3). When you here this statement one can only think that he is referring to her large perky (since she says young) perfectly round breast. When he talks about his lovers thighs, he not only praises them, he describes what the very most upper part of his lovers thighs look like: "the joints of thy thighs are like jewels"(7:1). One can only ask the question of how would this person know about someone's most upper part of their thigh, the part that is right next to the genitalia? This leaves much to the imagination. He also talks about her navel saying, "thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor"(7:2). When trying to interpret this quote, one must first keep in mind the fact that this is taking place during biblical times. During these times it was not proper for people to see, what was then looked at as X-rated parts of one another. Of course the exception to this rule would be if two people were married (or having an affair). So one can ask the question of how would this person know about the size and shape of another person's navel, which is hidden underneath everyday clothes? It seems not only does he know about its size and shape but also how it tastes. Again, the imagination of the reader is allowed to search the options. Not only is there sexual talk about physical appearances, but there is also talk about what will happen when the two of them are together alone. She is at one point looking for him and when she finds him she says that she held him and had him follow her and would not let go, ".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Survive High School Essay

Maybe your friends from middle school are going to a different high school, or even if you know other freshmen, you might not know many upperclassmen. This is why it is very important to attend freshman orientations. These are helpful not only because you learn your way around the building and get to meet some of your teachers, but you also get to meet fellow freshmen. When you talk to people at orientation, you’ll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. They’re all new to the school and don’t know what to expect either. Talking to your classmates about a common concern could even spark a new friendship. Secondly, you should learn more about your teachers. Some freshman teachers are nice and kind at times. However, in order to avoid their negativity, you must go by all of their rules. Different teachers will have different expectations. Learn what they are and don’t make your high school experience rough, by trying to make your own rules. Some rules will seem unfair and some will seem stupid, but if you go by them, you will find that life is much easier. You don’t have to be a teacher’s pet to do this, and you just don’t have to be a rebel either. Just remember, in all cases, think things through before you act. Sometimes it will save you a lot of trouble in the end. Thirdly, you should maintain a good reputation. Having a good reputation at high school is very important. You should always take responsibility for your actions, and choose them wisely. We remember people by their actions as much as we remember their hair color. While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be ashamed about, dishonest or vicious behavior is well within your control. Last but not least, you should always be yourself. I know everyone says it, but if you’re not yourself, who else are you going to be? Everyone has their quirks which makes them unique. There’s nothing interesting about a high school full of clones. Embrace your uniqueness. To enjoy your time, always be who you are. Opportunities are going to present themselves, and who knows where these opportunities might lead. Don’t ever change who you are just to fit in. You’ll never be as happy pretending to be someone you’re not when you could be yourself. As you can see, high school is only what you make it. Following my advice will only make your freshman year a lot better. These are a few tips on how to you can survive your freshman year in high school.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How does the first act of the play prepare us for what follows? Essay

The play – Hobson’s Choice sets in late 1880s the Victorian times. If you knew about how do things look like and how people act, you can tell there are lots of differences and things have changed between now and the past. In the past, most of the women were indeed conservative, you can tell that from their costumes. For example, they used to wear very tight, grow bumptious and narrow neck costumes which show that they had no freedom, sometimes they were not even allow to choose their own dresses. However, they were willing to give up their freedoms for beauty. On the other hand, they also emphasized their deportment. Nowadays, women have more freedom, they can wear whatever they want to, and they do not have to wear tight and narrow neck dresses. Furthermore, the marrying age in the old days is around early 20s, but these days the marrying age is between late 20s and early 30s. The play is set in Salford, Lancashire, and the north of England. Hobson is of middle class background but has been running his show shop set in Chapel St, successfully, for some year. Hobson’s shop is quite big. It shows that he has the money to buy a better quality shop. The Hobson’s family is well educated. Also, the trap door shows the social status. Hobson is a really selfish and immature man. He does not care about his daughters’ and he leaves all the works to Maggie and relies to her. He lets her to run the shop and the house, all he cares is when he should goes drinking. He usually goes out at night and stay over until the next morning he comes back for lunch and goes out again. â€Å"He can go on waiting.† This quote shows us that Hobson is an unpunctual man. He doesn’t care how people feel, he cares about only himself. Also, he is extraordinarily lazy. He is so arrogant and he thinks he is better than everyone else. He hates lawyers because its wastes of money and they help people who are supposed to be send into jail. The author tells us that he hates lawyers so this gives us a clue that one of his daughter might marry a lawyer or start a relationship with a lawyer. â€Å"But I’ll tell you this, you’ll none rule me.† This quote demonstrates us that Hobson has a very bossy characteristic. â€Å"You’re pretty, but you’re bumptious, and I hate bumptiousness like I hate a lawyer.† And â€Å"You can lie like a gasmeter.† These quotes tell us that Hobson does not care about his daughters’ feelings; he says whatever he wants to say. Also, he never tries to choose Maggie a husband and he told Alice and Vickey that he is choosing their husband himself. Hobson’s eldest daughter – Maggie, she is 30 and single because of the selfishness of Hobson, he would not let her to find a husband herself but he did not find her a husband. He wants to keep her in the shop to work for him; he does not want to take to responsibility to manage his shop. Hobson often laughs at Maggie’s age as she has already passed the marrying age. â€Å"We’re not here to let people go out without buying.† This quote shows that she is a strong and powerful woman and she is an intelligent business woman. Her character also shows that she is not afraid of her father. Maggie is also Hobson’s favourite daughter. He thinks that Maggie is the most useful to him compare to Alice and Vickey. Maggie is well educated and behaves in a good manner which shows that she is a respectable woman. She takes good care of her sister and cares about them. However, she also cares about Will, but in a different way, this shows that she has feelings for him. As Maggie has a really strong personality, she might have a fight with Hobson later on. Hobson’s second daughter – Alice, she is 23 and with Albert. She helps Maggie to cook and to clean the house but not the business. She despises people; she also often scorns Maggie and reminds her that she has passed the marrying age. This shows that she maybe doesn’t get on really well with Maggie. â€Å"Mr. Prosser didn’t come in to buy boots.† This quote tells us that Maggie has a special relationship with Mr. Prosser, and she assumed that Maggie knew it. Hobson’s youngest daughter – Vickey, she is 21 and with Fred. She is a bit impatient and fidgety, she is the bad one in the family. If things are bad and negative to her, she gives bad comments and tries to make it bad. Vicky also despises people and full of herself. â€Å"Father, have you heard the new about out Maggie?† This quote shows that Vickey wasn’t being very nice to her sister, Maggie. As she knows that if Hobson knows about Will and Maggie, he will definitely stop them. To conclude, I think since the author provides enough clues for us, it prepares us really well for the next chapter. Therefore, this makes me really want to read on as I wanted to know what is going to happen next, and also makes me got really interested in this book.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Last Time Consecutive Democratic Presidents Were Elected

Last Time Consecutive Democratic Presidents Were Elected Political analysts and Beltway pundits can debate the obstacles facing Democrats in the 2016 presidential election. But theres one inescapable truth facing the partys nominee, no matter if its Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren or Julian Castro: Voters rarely elect someone from the same party for consecutive terms. â€Å"Mostly, the White House flips back and forth like a metronome. Voters just get tired after eight years,† the writer Megan McArdle wrote. Explains political analyst Charlie Cook: They tend to conclude that it is time for a change, and they trade the in party for the out party. In fact, since American politics evolved into what we know as the current two-party system, the last time voters elected a Democrat to the White House after a president from the same party had just served a full term was in 1856, before the Civil War. If thats not enough to scare of presidential hopefuls in the Democratic Party who want to succeed two-term President Barack Obama, what is? Last Democrat to Succeed a Democrat The last Democrat elected to succeed a Democratic president was James Buchanan, the 15th president and the only one ever to come from Pennsylvania. Buchanan succeeded President Franklin Pierce. Youd have to go back even further in history to find the most recent instance of a Democrat being elected to succeed a two-term president from the same party. The last time that happened was in 1836 when voters elected  Martin Van Buren to follow  Andrew Jackson. This, of course, does not include the four terms of Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt; he was elected to the White House in 1932 and re-elected in 1936, 1940 and 1944. Roosevelt died less than a year into his fourth term, but he is the only president to have served more than two terms. Why It's so Rare There are very good explanations for why voters rarely choose a president from the same party for three consecutive terms. The first and most obvious one is fatigue with and unpopularity of the president who is completing his second and final term at the time of the election for his successor. That unpopularity often sticks to the candidate of the same party. Just ask some of the Democrats who sought unsuccessfully to succeeded Democratic presidents including  Adlai Stevenson in 1952) Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and, most recently, Al Gore in 2000.   Another reason is distrust of people and parties who hold power for too long. The distrust of people in power ... dates back to the age of the American Revolution and the mistrust of hereditary rulers with no curbs on their powers, wrote the National Constitution Center. What It Meant in 2016 The rarity of presidents from the same party being elected consecutively is not lost on political analysts when it came to the 2016 presidential election. Many believed the success of Hillary Clinton, who was the most likely contender for Democratic nominee, hinged on who the Republicans chose. Opined the New Republic: The Democrats could benefit if the Republicans nominate a relatively inexperienced right-winger or someone who possesses the temperament of a high school football coach rather than a president ... If they opt for an experienced centrist in 2016  -   Florida’s Jeb Bush is the obvious example  -   and if the party’s right wing doesn’t demand he toe the line, they could stand a good chance of reclaiming the White House and of confirming Americans’ reluctance to keeping the same party in the White House three terms in a row.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hurricanes and Tornados essays

Hurricanes and Tornados essays Hurricanes and tornadoes are some of the most violent natural occurring disasters known to mankind. Some on the gulf coast see hurricane opal as a distance memory, but most are reminded of her every time they drive on highway 98 and see the sand dunes building back from nothing to that great statue that they once were. While there are many differences between the two, the stark similarities are as dramatic. Both are centered on gusting wind swirling around a center; however the diameters of the storms are quite different. While hurricanes can range from 100 to 300 miles wide, tornadoes usually have only a length of less than two miles. However, a tornado makes up for its small size with extremely high wind speeds, in excess of over 250 miles per hour. Hurricanes on the contrary have wind speeds from 74 to 160 miles per hour. To compare and to contrast hurricanes and tornadoes the main areas of interest are the creation of both disasters, and the destructive power that is associ ated with both tornadoes and hurricanes. Hurricanes get their start over the warm tropical waters of the North Atlantic Ocean near the equator. Most hurricanes appear in late summer or early fall, when sea temperatures are at their highest. The warm waters heat the air above it, and the updrafts of warm, moist air begin to rise. At that longitude in the tropics, there is usually a layer of warm, dry air that acts like an invisible ceiling or lid. Once in a while, the lid that prevents the hurricane from forming is destroyed. Scientists do not know why this happens; however, when it does, it's the first step in the birth of a hurricane. With the lid off, the warm, moist air rises higher and higher. Heat energy, released as the water vapor in the air, condenses. As it condenses it drives the upper drafts to heights of 50,000 to 60,000 feet. The cumuli clouds become towering thunderheads. From outside the storm area, air moves in ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Methods Psychology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Methods Psychology Essay The idea is that you analyse quantitative methods in general, noting the disadvantages and advantages of quantitative research and to illustrate your points you then use examples such as surveys, or structured interviews, or quantitative content analysis. Then you do the same with qualitative methods. And either after or somewhere between this you compare the advantages adn disadvantages. Despite the apparent distinctions between Quantitative and Qualitative research, they both complement each other. But the important question for any researcher is which research methodology to use and what is relevant to my particular study. According to Dawson, C (2002), who’s book is a step to step guide of mastering research, states that it fundamental to decided what research technique to use, â€Å"Don’t fall into the trap which many beginning (and experienced) researchers do in thinking that quantitative research is ‘better’ than qualitative research. Neither is be tter than the other- they are just different and both have strengths and weaknesses.† When I think of qualitative research I think of subjective form of research, based on someone’s own point of view. A good definition I picked out is â€Å"Usually emphasizes quantification in the collection and analysis of data.† Example of the use this type of research would be in the recent elections, have a up-to date polling survey, measuring the success of election candidates, Secondly Quantitative research projects often include larger numbers of respondents, and covers a larger geographical area. Therefore can give and indication of views of a larger population, rather than minority opinions. This therefore enhances the generalisation of the results. For example surveys, a quantitative research â€Å"in which researcher systematically asks a large amount of people the same questions and then records their answers.† A closed q uestionnaire was conducted to people in Britain, asking whether they are going to vote in the general election and for which party. This data was transferred into stats which were compared between different cities and counties, and opinions for different areas were compared. This is very useful as it gives a overall picture and understanding of what research concludes making it easy to draw comparisons, project trends and recognize differences among communities and groups. An example used was in Mcqueen, R and Knussen (2002) p28, Box2.1, comparing the two types research view points, on the same scenario. When looking that the results made by the quantitative researcher, it is a complete mystery on what the numbers are trying to represent and the results only make small conclusions. However looking at the Qualitative researchers result, there is a much deeper understanding, by me the reader, to what he is discussing, clearly seeing his conclusion, and I have gained a broader understa nding of this research topic. This is bad because the researcher can be enticed to manipulate the participant’s answers to suit the research. The normal questions researcher employs, can lead to biasness and false depiction of the data, which reflects the view of the researcher, than the participant. In essence quantitative research method can encourage the researcher could influence the subject’s answers to go with the research.

Friday, October 18, 2019

From individul to Social Change trough Art Therapy Thesis

From individul to Social Change trough Art Therapy - Thesis Example Thus the paper concludes on a positive note of an existing correlation between art therapy and positive societal change in both perspectives and attitudes. Social change is a dynamic process of transformation caused by such catalysts as human agents, e.g. psychotherapists in a variety of contexts. Art Therapy, on the other hand, is defined as "an expressionist therapeutic mode of treatment adopted by psychotherapists and combined with conventional psychotherapeutic treatment techniques and theoretical constructs that underlie the very creative energies and processes of art forms across a broader spectrum of applications" (Kaplan, 2006). Mental health care profession has been evolving in the larger context of clinical and non-clinical psychotherapeutic environments against the ever increasing multifarious choices available to the patient. Art Therapy is one such alternative available to the average patient in a formal clinical setting or an informal non-clinical setting. Theoretical postulates on the subject of art therapy have evolved in a particularly dynamic context of creative healing and therapeutic rejuvenation. As any other form of psychotherapy, art therapy has its own set of rules and regulations. Art therapists are certificated as Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and so on. While the practitioner's domain includes the use of such materials as paints, brushes, chalks and markers, there is also an extensive use of theories. These professionals provide a variety of services in an equally diverse and complex set of circumstances. Their actual practice begins with children whose cognitive abilities permit their direct involvement in art therapy environment. Then there are those adolescents and adults who would also be totally immersed in this environment.The psychosocial environment of the art therapist deserves a broader analysis in the context ually determined perspective ridden backdrop of the practice environment. The average therapist is essentially a social catalyst with a degree of freedom to make decisions in a perpetually binding symbiotic relationship that presupposes all but divergence in attitude and behavior. Their professional outreach touches a variety of their subjects' needs ranging from physical to emotional and from cognitive to developmental.The available literature on the subject essentially focuses on the art therapeutic interventions but without a clear-cut or precise definition of the art therapist's role as a catalyst in the larger context of social transformation and the convergent behavioral synthesis. While the antithetical behavior of the individual therapist is no doubt open to debate because there is very little obvious effort being made by the individual to bring about societal change, the sum total of every single contribution to this social transformation is significantly higher and therefo re demands an in-depth analysis.The creative instinct of the individual art therapist has to be treated as an all pervasive force with a distinct identity despite the challenges that the researcher has to face in the

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Case Study Example The second lesson coming from this case is the need for top management to openly and clearly indicate their desire to pursue the radically new approach. At Denny’s the CEO made his intentions clear by making diversity an area of strategic focus. This is manifested through the holistic approach that the CEO put in place through the four-part strategy he devised to set cultural diversity in motion. These four parts were: making mandatory intensive diversity training for all members of staff; re-engineering the people systems / organizational structure; making diversity a core competence for appraising management performance, and consistently preaching the gospel of diversity (Brathwaite 1; Rice Para 9). The third point raised by Denny’s turnaround with regard to diversity is that tackling this particular challenge within organizations requires a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond the often promoted mandatory diversity training in many organizations. For starters the Denny’s case highlights that training in itself needs to be implemented through a tiered approach, where training needs are based on position, power and roles and responsibilities of the individual within the company. The second reason why a multifaceted approach is needed is because tackling diversity issues necessitates both cultural and structural changes to the organization. On the one hand, Denny’s recruitment, firing, promotion, development and promotion policies reflected its organizational culture that needed to be changed. On the other hand, Denny’s long hierarchical structure shielded the CEO from the misdeeds committed by the lower management levels. The final point obtained from the success of Denny’s turnaround is the need for consistency from top management with regards to effecting and sustaining a diversity policy within the organization. This has to be done through verbal communication – the fourth part of CEO Adamson’s strategy – and also through

Hazards, Risks, and Controls Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hazards, Risks, and Controls Exercise - Essay Example Spotting hazards or potential hazards is direly needed to take suitable preventive action against possible crash on the street or the possibility of catching an accident on streets (Rouf et al., 8). In the scenario, there is a mixture of old and modem modes of transportation. Cars were not existent yet during the late 1800s and early 1900s; although, carriages, horses, and walking were common means of transportation during those times. Considering the differences in terms of the level of sophistication between a modem car and old means of transportation, various potential risks should be considered. However, in order to properly and clearly assess the situation, the type of car that will be used in this activity would be a Hummer. Since the scenario took place during the 1800s, it can be imagined that life relatively slower, few to no cemented roads and various ordinary things are taken into streets. Hence, the following hazards have been identified: 1. Children playing on streets – during the 1800s, people were not as civilized as they are today, especially children. Things that were supposed to be done in specific places such as chasing a ball or playing, which is supposed to be done in parks, are being taken into the streets. So what are the potential risks? There is a high possibility that you might hit a kid on the street. This is not to say you are going to do it intentionally but children sometimes do not mind about what is going around them when they are playing and enjoying. For instance, a ball might suddenly run across the road, and a kid may follow straightaway to chase it, without recognizing a car is coming; hence, an accident could happen. Remember, modern cars move faster than any other moving things during the 1800s. Chances are you are most likely to hit the kid. Controls may include some simple things such as slowing down the speed a little bit or using a Collision Avoidance System such as an automatic braking system to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Steps to Success in Academia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Steps to Success in Academia - Essay Example Use of clock for time management helps in doing a job with in dedicated time. I use my spare time in jogging and listening music to freshen up my mind. I take interest in studies and sports for distraction from domestic issues. Difficult subjects can be easily understood by comparing them with the daily life. Bright future is the big motivational factor in making someone to do well in academics and academic success is not possible without motivation. The motivational factors as highlighted by Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002) are achievement goals, self-efficacy and they explain that these factors are essential in enabling a student to gain academic success. All the five senses need to be fully used for better results. I used to prepare weekly study schedule according to a timetable to follow it easily. I divided the time in three categories. These are sleeping time, class hours and personal time. I followed the schedule strictly for better comprehension. I left all other activities du ring study times and got confidence. Pre reading is the essence of good academic performance. I used to spend one hour in reading the subjects of next day’s classes. Summaries and introductions of the topics are always helpful in understanding the complete topic. Internet should be used to find more information about the topic. Pre reading is also useful in revision of the same topic. Abraham Lincoln says and I quote, â€Å"A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others.† (Brainy Quote 2011). We read what has already been discussed and discovered but this adds to our knowledge and eventually enables us to gain academic success. I always find tables very useful for learning. I used to sub divide the topic into different categories. Making tables for those categories help in understanding different characteristics. Tables are also good for comparison between different topics. I always divided my daily time for different su bjects. Weekends must be given to those subjects that need more attention and preparation. It is always difficult to study one subject throughout the day. Breaks in-between the study hours should be used in different sort of sports and health activities. Progressively time can be adjusted for different subjects as the study progresses. Studying same thing for complete day is sometimes full of fatigue and boredom also. Therefore, the same subject should be planned for three days for 4 hours each day provided situation permits so. For me, group study is the best way of learning. This helps in learning from each other’s knowledge. This is less boring and less stressful. Frequent questions can be asked from the group members and instant solutions can be found. Difficult topics should be tackled through group studies. Sharing of notes and ideas makes group study very interesting. Robert Quillen says, â€Å"Discussion is a exchange of knowledge†. Discussion is only there whe n we sit in groups to study due to which, there is fruitful exchange of knowledge that is helpful for all the students studying in groups. (Brainy Quote 2011) Problem solving is best done by group studies. I always tried to find out problem and then ask group to resolve it. Then the best suitable answer can be remembered without any revision. This is the best way to create interest in problem solving. Use of clock or timer is basic element of success in academics. Class quizzes and examinations must be timed for rapid

Questions and Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Questions and Answers - Essay Example This is influenced after he suspects that Cassio was given the post, by reasons of Desdemona’s friendship, and because he interfered with the relationship between Cassio and Desdemona (Shakespeare, 2001). He wishes to stop the wedding of the two, with the help of Rodirego if it is not to late to do so. This marks the end of a warm freindship between Othello and Lago. This leaves Lagos name tarshished, from being an honest man, to the mortal enemy of Moor. His former friend Moor who is regarded noble and attains the highest military position. Roderigo serves as a secondary antagonist in the play. He is a Venetian desperately lusting but a declined Desdemona. In a dramatic persona, Roderigo is described as a dupe, a gull or an easy target. To pave way to Desdemona’s bed, Roderigo opens his handbag to Lago in the wrong belief that lago will help him (Shakespeare, 2001). At the very beginning, he alerts Brabantio that Desdemona has run away with Moor. Raderigo is hurt badly by lago, after the killing of Michael runs amiss. He is injured in the attempt of failing to kill Cassio. He is then stabbed and left to die, by Lago however later it is known that he had left letters telling the truth about Lagos plans. Moor is a term used to refer to someone or anyone who is either Arab or African. It is a Muslims region, which is half-Christian and half Muslim. Varied on the theme of racism, Moor as referred in the story, Shakespeare, is dark skin, and is discriminated in a big way by Montano. He seeks to revenge with the help of Lago, who he asks to give services to Montano, to get a grip to revenge. In a net of lies, Lago manipulates other characters in the name revenge (Shakespeare, 2001). The sense that they think Lago is honest; he achieves a chance to manipulate them all. The play fits tragedy in that; Shakespeare is searching for a particular tragedy to cover for the many tragedies. Shakespeare is influence, by the fact

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hazards, Risks, and Controls Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hazards, Risks, and Controls Exercise - Essay Example Spotting hazards or potential hazards is direly needed to take suitable preventive action against possible crash on the street or the possibility of catching an accident on streets (Rouf et al., 8). In the scenario, there is a mixture of old and modem modes of transportation. Cars were not existent yet during the late 1800s and early 1900s; although, carriages, horses, and walking were common means of transportation during those times. Considering the differences in terms of the level of sophistication between a modem car and old means of transportation, various potential risks should be considered. However, in order to properly and clearly assess the situation, the type of car that will be used in this activity would be a Hummer. Since the scenario took place during the 1800s, it can be imagined that life relatively slower, few to no cemented roads and various ordinary things are taken into streets. Hence, the following hazards have been identified: 1. Children playing on streets – during the 1800s, people were not as civilized as they are today, especially children. Things that were supposed to be done in specific places such as chasing a ball or playing, which is supposed to be done in parks, are being taken into the streets. So what are the potential risks? There is a high possibility that you might hit a kid on the street. This is not to say you are going to do it intentionally but children sometimes do not mind about what is going around them when they are playing and enjoying. For instance, a ball might suddenly run across the road, and a kid may follow straightaway to chase it, without recognizing a car is coming; hence, an accident could happen. Remember, modern cars move faster than any other moving things during the 1800s. Chances are you are most likely to hit the kid. Controls may include some simple things such as slowing down the speed a little bit or using a Collision Avoidance System such as an automatic braking system to

Questions and Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Questions and Answers - Essay Example This is influenced after he suspects that Cassio was given the post, by reasons of Desdemona’s friendship, and because he interfered with the relationship between Cassio and Desdemona (Shakespeare, 2001). He wishes to stop the wedding of the two, with the help of Rodirego if it is not to late to do so. This marks the end of a warm freindship between Othello and Lago. This leaves Lagos name tarshished, from being an honest man, to the mortal enemy of Moor. His former friend Moor who is regarded noble and attains the highest military position. Roderigo serves as a secondary antagonist in the play. He is a Venetian desperately lusting but a declined Desdemona. In a dramatic persona, Roderigo is described as a dupe, a gull or an easy target. To pave way to Desdemona’s bed, Roderigo opens his handbag to Lago in the wrong belief that lago will help him (Shakespeare, 2001). At the very beginning, he alerts Brabantio that Desdemona has run away with Moor. Raderigo is hurt badly by lago, after the killing of Michael runs amiss. He is injured in the attempt of failing to kill Cassio. He is then stabbed and left to die, by Lago however later it is known that he had left letters telling the truth about Lagos plans. Moor is a term used to refer to someone or anyone who is either Arab or African. It is a Muslims region, which is half-Christian and half Muslim. Varied on the theme of racism, Moor as referred in the story, Shakespeare, is dark skin, and is discriminated in a big way by Montano. He seeks to revenge with the help of Lago, who he asks to give services to Montano, to get a grip to revenge. In a net of lies, Lago manipulates other characters in the name revenge (Shakespeare, 2001). The sense that they think Lago is honest; he achieves a chance to manipulate them all. The play fits tragedy in that; Shakespeare is searching for a particular tragedy to cover for the many tragedies. Shakespeare is influence, by the fact

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Term Paper About Sports Essay Example for Free

Term Paper About Sports Essay The sport datesback to the Egyptians, who played games involving the kicking of a ball. Now, the sport has grown to a global pastime, including men s and women steams, and the World Cup (which is played every four years). The sport is also known by other names in some parts of the English-speaking world, usually association football and its contraction, soccer. These names are often used to distinguish the game from other codes of football, since the word football may be used to refer to several quite different games. Football is a team sport played between two teams consisting of eleven players each. It is a ball game played on a rectangular grass field with a goal at each end. The objective of the game is to score by maneuvering the ball into the opposing goal. Other than the goalkeepers, players may not use their hands or arms to propel the ball in general play. The winner is the team which has scored most goals at the end of the match. Football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football stadia to follow their favourite team, whilst billions more avidly watch the game on television. A very large number of people also play football at an amateur level. According to a survey conducted by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), footballs governing body, published in the spring of 2001, over 240 million people regularly play football in more than 200 countries in every part of the world. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world. Because of this it is often dubbed as the Worlds Favorite Pastime. 1. Football is rougher than most people actually think. People usually dont see whats happening outside the television camera’s view or off the field. Off the screen, you have players kicking each other, exchanging words, or even pushing each other around. Dont feel bad, though, because the referees dont see it half the time either. Then, during the game you have players slide tackling and taking each other out for possession of the ball. These players are wearing nothing to protect them from serious injuries. According to a survey conducted by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), footballs governing body, published in the spring of 2001, over 240 million people regularly play football in more than 200 countries in every part of the world. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world. Because of this it is often dubbed as the Worlds Favorite Pastime. 2. II. History of Football (Soccer) During the 1800s the people of England played a game similar to soccer. Many rules changed and each person interpreted the rules differently. The modern version came about in the early nineteenth century,in England. It started as a game involving kicking and handing, but later this branched off into two separate sports: rugby and football (which is what the English call soccer). In 1848 a group of school representatives met at Trinity College in Cambridge and drew up the first of soccer rules. In 1863 English soccer clubs founded the Football Association. By the late 1800s soccer began to spread to the rest of the world. The Canadian Soccer Association was established in 1912 while the United States Soccer Federation was set up in 1913. The first World Cup Championship was in Montevideo, Uruguay. Since then it has been played every four years except during WWII. The North American Soccer League (NASL) was formed in 1968 and the sport began to gain popularity in the 1970 s. Modern Game and Rules The modern game of soccer has a simple goal: kick or head the ball in to the goal of your opponent s team. Basically, there is also one simple rule: No one except the goalkeeper may use they rehands to play the ball. Soccer is a simplistic sport. Eleven members of each team defend their side of the field to prevent the ball from being forced into their goal, which results in a point scored by the team kicking the ball. There are only three officials involved during play: The referee, and two linesmen. The equipment used in soccer is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is two goals (eight feet high and eight yards apart) and a ball. Each player wears hard plastic or padded shin guard, covered by long socks, for protection during play. Cleats are alsoworn for traction on the field. A goalie may also wear a special padded shirt,and gloves to protect his or her hands. A standard field, as regulated by the Federation International de Football Association (or FIFA), has a length between 100 and 130 yards,and a width of between 50 and 100 yards. The rules of play for soccer have deliberately been kept simple. The referee makes most of the decisions, and attempts to encourage fair play. A soccer or football game begins with a kickoff in the center of the field. A coin is flipped to decide which team will kickoff. The other team kicks off at the start of the second half when the teams switch sides or nets. 3. III. Nature of the game The game is played in accordance with a set of rules known as the Laws of the Game, which are summarised below. Two teams of eleven players each compete to get a round ball (itself known as a football) into the other teams goal, thereby scoring a goal. The team which has scored the most goals at the conclusion of the game is the winner; if both teams have an equal number of goals then the game is a draw. The primary rule for this objective is that players, other than the goalkeepers, may not intentionally touch the ball with their hands or arms during play (though they do use their hands during a throw-in restart). Although players mainly use their feet to move the ball around, they may use any part of their bodies other than their hands or arms. The physical contact between players is restricted: holding, tripping, kicking or excessively pushing opponents is not allowed. Such actions (along with handling the ball) are called fouls and are punishable by a free kick (or a penalty kick if commited in the vicinity of the offenders goal; see below for details). In typical game play, players attempt to move towards a goal through individual control of the ball, such as by dribbling (running with the ball close to their feet); by passing the ball from team-mate to team-mate; and by taking shots at the goal. Opposition players may try to regain control of the ball by intercepting a pass or through tackling the opponent who controls the ball. Football is generally a free-flowing game with the ball in play at all times except when the ball has left the field of play by wholly crossing over a boundary line (either on the ground or in the air), or play has been stopped by the referee. When play has been stopped, it recommences with a specified restart (see below). At a professional level, usually a few goals are scored during a match. For example, during 2004-05 season of the FA Premier League, an average of 2. 57 goals per match were scored, and 88% of the matches ended up with not more than 4 goals scored. However, only 8% of the matches finished goalless. 4. IV. Playing Area An  association football pitch  (also known as a  football pitch,  football field[1]  or  soccer field) is the playing surface for the game of  association football  made of turf. Its dimensions and markings are defined by Law 1 of the  Laws of the Game, The Field of Play. [2] All line markings on the  pitch  form part of the area which they define. For example, a ball on or above the  touchline  is still on the field of play; a ball on the line of the goal area is in the goal area; and a foul committed over the 16. -metre (18-yard) line has occurred in the  penalty area. Therefore a ball must completely cross the touchline to be out of play, and a ball must wholly cross the goal line (between the goal posts) before a goal is scored; if any part of the ball is still on or above the line, the ball is still in play. The field descriptions that apply to adult matches are described below. N ote that due to the original formulation of the Laws in England and the early supremacy of the four British football associations within IFAB, the standard dimensions of a football pitch were originally expressed in  imperial units. The Laws now express dimensions with approximate  metric  equivalents (followed by traditional units in brackets), but use of the imperial units remains common in some countries, especially in the United Kingdom. 5. V. Physical (Soccer/Football) Conditioning Soccer is a sport requiring high levels of physical fitness. It is one of those rare games which demands not only speed but agility, strength, power and endurance. Players at top levels can run over 14 km in a game whilst not forgetting the frequent accelerations, decelerations, changes of direction and jumps they must undertake. Fitness is important at all levels of the game, whilst being essential for top level players, it is beneficial for beginners who will improve both their effectiveness and enjoyment through good standards of fitness. The aim of fitness training in football is to enable a player to cope with the physical demands of the game as well as allowing the efficient use of his various technical and tactical competencies throughout the match. Fitness may be described as a set of attributes that an individual has or has acquired which help in their ability to perform physical activity. The diagram below (Fig 1) outlines the general components which make up and are required for physical fitness in sport. Mental fitness and diet could be included but the diagram refers to the main components of fitness which require physical activity and which bring about physiological changes in the body. | Fitness as mentioned earlier is based on the attributes an individual has, meaning what he is born with or has acquired, in other words through training. Thus, performance is influenced by inherited abilities (genetic) and training status. An individual who is naturally gifted will still need proper training to make the most of their talent. Different sports require different fitness components. Football players must be able to perform prolonged intermittent exercise (endurance), exercise at high-intensity, sprint, and develop high levels of power (force) when kicking and tackling. Good levels of agility and coordination are also necessary and distinguish between elite and average players. During a game the exercise intensity varies continually thus fitness training should be as realistic as possible. Training should also involve regular use of the ball as this will not only help develop the specific muscles involved in match play, but improve technical and tactical skills and help keep players interested. 6. Coaches such as Marcello Lippi formerly at Juventus, are big believers in individual fitness programs as every player has different needs. This is important as well when training women and youth players. Fig 2 details the major components involved in football specific training. | In all the different components of fitness mentioned above, there are certain basic principles that apply to football fitness training. Frequency   Refers to the quantity of training sessions during a defined period of time, often a week. For example, a professional player may train twice a day, 5 times a week. Intensity   Can be simply defined by how  hard  a player trains. Too much exercise can lead to injury and fatigue whereas too little will not have enough of an effect. Elite players can train longer and harder than players at a lower level. Intensity is often based on the number of repetitions and how many exercises/sets done. It is linked to the principle of progressive overload. Progressive overload amp; duration   Training programs should stress the players’ physiological mechanisms enough to cause an improvement in the desired area. This means that working on the same fitness programme for a long time will not bring about improvement. Therefore, training status will only be bettered by gradually increasing the load that the body is working against. Incorrect overload may bring injury and demotivation due to over-zealous targets. The duration is the time spent in a training session and is dependent upon the sport and individual.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Paresthesia Case Study: Diagnosis and Management

Paresthesia Case Study: Diagnosis and Management ABSTRACT Parasthesia is defined as a sensory disturbance with clinical manifestations such as burning, prickling, tingling, numbness, itching or any deviation from normal sensation1. Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve can occur during various dental Procedures like local anesthetic injections, third molar surgery, orthognathic surgery, Ablative surgery, Implants, and endodontics. This case report highlights a commonly occurring and often reported problem of Paresthesia involving the Mental Nerve during endodontic treatment. Most of the previous case reports have used radiographs for the diagnosis and management of these cases. Since the radiographic image is a 2 dimensional image it has its limitation while a 3 dimensional imaging modality like a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides the clinician with additional information which can be critical in the management of cases. The exact 3 dimensional location of the mental foramen in relation to the apex of the concerned tooth ca n be confirmed using CBCT scans, helping make more informed diagnosis and treatment plans. This case was successfully managed using CBCT images for guidance during the root canal treatment. INTRODUCTION Parasthesia is defined as a sensory disturbance with clinical manifestations such as burning, prickling, tingling, numbness, itching or any deviation from normal sensation1. Paresthesia of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve and its branches can occur during various dental Procedures like Local Anesthetic Injections, Third Molar Surgery, Orthognathic Surgery, Ablative Surgery, Implants, and Endodontics2, 3. Damage to vital structures in the head and neck area during dental treatment is always a vexing prospect for the clinician. During Endodontic Treatment precautions have to be taken against this, as there is a possibility of injury to a vital structure with the instruments or chemicals being used and also a chance of depositing infected material with their byproducts from the tooth into these areas causing a subsequent immunological response from the body. Today we are able to use 3 Dimensional imaging to locate and respond to such situations much more precisely than ever before4,5.This case highlights a commonly occurring and often reported problem of Paresthesia involving the Mental Nerve during endodontic treatment6.7 which was managed using a CBCT to offer the patient a predictable treatment. Most of the previous case reports have used OPG’S and Intra oral periapical radiographs for the diagnosis and management of these cases. Since these are 2 dimensional imaging technique s they have their limitations. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is 3 dimensional imaging modality which provides the clinician with additional information which can prove to be critical in the management of such cases. CASE REPORT A 32 Year old female patient was referred to the Department of Conservative Dentistry with the chief complaint of a dislodged temporary restoration in a tooth undergoing endodontic treatment at a private dental clinic. Patient gave a history of Root canal treatment having been started 2 weeks back. Clinical Examination revealed an exposed access opening and extreme tenderness to percussion. Radiographic evaluation confirmed the history presented by the patient (Fig 1). A differential diagnosis of Periapical granuloma/ Periapical Abscess was recorded and the patient was advised to complete the Root canal treatment. In the first appointment the access opening was refined under local anaesthesia and the pulp tissue remnants were extirpated using a barbed broach followed by temporistion.The patient was recalled after 4 days for Root canal instrumentation. In the second appointment local anaesthesia was administered and working length determination was done using an apex locator (Propex 2,Dentsply) followed by confirmation with a radiograph (Fig 1). The working length was kept at 0.5mm short of the radiographic length of the tooth and the root canal instrumentation was carried out. Saline and Sodium Hypochlorite were used to copiously irrigate the root canal space and instrumentation was carried out with the Protaper Rotary system. The root canal was dried and the tooth was temporized for obturation in the following visit. On the next visit 7 days later the patient complained of Parasthesia of the lower lip from the date of the previous visit. On examination there was Parasthesia of the left half o f the lower lip and its distribution was consistent with the supply of the mental nerve (Fig 2). A close examination of the IOPA revealed the presence of the mental foramen directly below the apex of the treated premolar indicating possible deleterious effects of the previous procedure causing and periapical inflammation and subsequent damage to the mental nerve. A CBCT was taken to confirm the exact location of the mental foramen. The CBCT images confirmed the extreme close nature of the mental foramen to the apex of the treated premolar (Fig 3, 4). The distance between the apex of the premolar to the mental foramen was measured to be 0.4mm by using the CBCT software. Taking this into account the working length was reset at 1.5 mm short of the radiographic apex. The tooth was then instrumented to the new working length and the canals were irrigated with saline and sodium hypochlorite followed by drying using paper points. The patient was advised that the Parasthesia will gradually disappear and that the lip will regain normal sensation and was scheduled weekly recall appointments. The Parasthesia was still present at the one week recall appointment until the 6th week after which gradual normalization was observed. At end of two months the Parasthesia had completely disappeared and normal sensation had returned. Endodontic treatment was resumed keeping the new working length. The instrumentation was completed and the tooth was obturated using F3 (Protaper Dentsply) size gutta percha for apical fill and Obtura 2 with System B for back fill using continuous wave of condensation techniqueA one week follow up was done to confirm the absence of any recurrence of the Parasthesia following the obturation. Finally the tooth was restored with a No.1 size fiber post (Angelus Brazil) and crown was placed (Fig 5). DISCUSSION Dental radiographic evaluation is a fundamental tool for endodontic diagnosis. Conventional Intraoral Periapical radiographs are routinely employed during endodontic diagnosis to examine the tooth, identify the pathology and plan the treatment. However, a conventional radiograph is a two dimensional image of a three dimensional object and consequently has limitations. Numerous prior studies have demonstrated the effective use of CBCT in the assessment of complex endodontic cases .In cases where location of a vital structure such as the mental foramen or the Mandibular canal are concerned the 3 Dimensional imaging capabilities of a CBCT are invaluable. With CBCT and its advanced 3 D reconstruction software, it is possible precisely orient the teeth under treatment with the adjacent anatomic structures across a multitude of planes to get measurable values of distance, which help with the consequent predictable treatment plan. In situations of close proximity of a nerve to a tooth which is being endodontically treated various possibilities of damage to the nerve exist. Mechanical compression of the nerve, Damage to the nerve due to over instrumentation, Extrusion of necrotic debris and toxic metabolites from the root canal space, overfill or the passage of various endodontic materials (root canal irrigants, sealers, and paraformaldehyde containing pastes) into the vicinity of the nerve or its branches. In the present case the most probable cause of the Parasthesia could have been an acute exacerbation of the Periapical infection due to Extrusion of the necrotic debris from the root canal space into the mental foramen space and/or inadvertent direct mechanical compression of the nerve because of over instrumentation of the tooth during working length determination Direct peripheral nerve injury has been previously classified into three basic types: Neurapraxia, Axonotmesis and Neurotmesis 8. Neurapraxia occurs due to a slight compression of the nerve trunk resulting in a temporary conduction block. Neurapraxia of the inferior alveolar nerve or mental nerve will usually manifest as a Paresthesia or Dysaesthesia of the lip and chin region 9. Axonotmesis refers to the actual degeneration of the afferent fibers as a result of internal/external irritation resulting in anesthesia 10. Neurotmesis is the complete severing of the nerve trunk, resulting in permanent Paresthesia which can only be corrected by microsurgery and has a more guarded prognosis (8-10). The most likely form of injury in the present case seems to be Neurapraxia due to either periapical infection or direct injury by over-instrumentation/inadvertent passage of the root canal irrigant or both. The tooth responded well to conservative treatment, and upon completion of the debridement and disinfection of the root canal, the symptoms of periapical infection subsided and Paresthesia started to diminish. CONCLUSIONS The lower mandibular premolars very frequently are in close approximation to the Mental foramen and the Mandibular canal. The pre-operative radiograph does provide us with a 2 dimensional image but better more accurate location can be obtained using the CBCT whenever possible. Finally the best method to prevent any damage to the Mental Nerve is to locate it.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Internship Essay -- essays research papers

The senior that I chose to interview was Devon Smith also known â€Å"Mouse†. Devon is a graduate of Laurel High School and is currently attending Bowie State University. He is a student athlete and a member of the Pedology program. In this interview I will ask questions in regards to his field placement to better understand how and why things work when entering the field. I feel as though I am prepared for my internship, but hopefully after interviewing Devon I won’t be as nervous about my field placement. I realize that the information he presents is imperative to me starting my internship. Q: What was the hardest part of the field practicum? A: The hardest part of my field practicum was basically learning all the procedures of your field studies and learning all the policies and procedures once you get there. Q: How did you feel entering the agency? A: I felt cool because there wasn’t any stress put on my back because they knew my situation me being an athlete and dealing with academia as well. The school was flexible with my hours as long as I completed whatever they asked me to do. Q: What was the hardest task you had to perform at your site? A: The hardest task was getting accustomed to the children to make sure that I follow the procedures when faced with certain situations, like counseling a student, or restraining a student who is out of hand, learning how to encourage a student about academics and how to deal with a student who has behavioral problems. Q: What weakness did you have that has now become strength since working in the field? A: The weakness that I had was being sort of like closed off, I mean not totally but it takes me awhile to open up to people but I think that I am more efficient at talking to the kids. They are kind of shy when they first meet you so in order for them to open up I had to let myself go and let them know that it was ok for them to open up. With some one my age it is easier to you know break the ice, but with kids if they don’t come to know or trust you than they hold things back and wont tell you certain things. Q: What would you like to see different from a policy standpoint? A: as far as the student suspensions I would rather see them find an alternative to suspending students. If they are suspended then nine times out of ten they miss out on school work and end up falling behind. Q: What was the most important thing... ...ew candidates. Most importantly, it is critical that you get involved in a professional association related to your career interests. Attending events that various organizations offer, maximizes your exposure to the firm that you potentially may intern for, ever-increasing your chances exponentially of receiving an internship.  Ã‚   Lastly, keep in mind that not having an internship program in place does not mean that an organization is unwilling or apathetic in having an intern.   While larger firms are more likely to have recognized internship programs, it is possible and probable that firms smaller in size are more than willing and able to hire an intern or build some type of internship program.   If you are truly interested in working for an organization, do not hesitate to take the initiative.  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the interview, I thanked Devon for his time and felt more confident in the selection of my field. I knew that this is what I wanted to do but I would have sporadic uncertainties about my abilities and how my transition into the workplace would be. The information that he had provided combined with what I had already knew made me feel more comfortable with pursuing an internship.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Walden Two Essay -- essays research papers

Book Title: Walden Two Author: B.F. Skinner Pages: 301 I. SETTING: A. Time: mid 1940’s (after the end of WWII) B. Place: Walden Two, R.D. I, Canton C. Detailed description of the opening scene: Rogers and Steve just returning from war, and looking for a new beginning read an article on a man named Frazier who was planning to begin an experimental utopian society. They immediately become intrigued by the idea. Their interest brought them to the office of Professor Burris, one their former teachers to ask if he knew anything about Frazier, or about the new society Frazier is trying to build. Burris remembers Frazier as a classmate at his graduate school; he recalls his extremist ideas and his dislike for the institution. He also recalls discussions the two had shared about this "Utopian society." Reluctantly Burris agrees to contact Frazier, and sends him a letter. Immediately and enthusiastically he replies inviting Burris’ and his friends to visit the new community he has developed. Burris meets with the two men to inform them of the invitation, and agrees to take time off, to accomp any Rogers and Steve on a visit to "Walden Two," Frazier’s community. Rodger’s girlfriend Barbara, Steve’s girlfriend Mary, and Burris's colleague Castle also accompany them on the visit. II. THEME: a one-sentence statement of the theme of your novel Walden Two was Skinner’s attempt to portray what would occur if behaviorism were used to curve our society, he depicted a solution to the problems of modern life that involved a new beginning, an flee from our current society, and a dismissal of our political and econo... ...cters visiting the Utopian society of Walden Two engage in an abundance of dialogue, in order to discover the spirit and the principles behind this new community of Walden Two. Set speeches by main characters illustrate the points that Skinner wishes to make to the reader. Don't get me wrong, the ideas are challenging and the reading is not painful; there is even some dramatic tension. The thought of a society like Walden Two is intriguing, and the detail used by Skinner gives the reader a clear picture of what this society may look like, and how it operates. Overall the book was good, it was an enjoyable read, and wasn’t like other novels, it was individual. I would recommend this book to anyone who is open- minded, and is intrigued by the operations and possibility of alternate societies. Walden Two Essay -- essays research papers Book Title: Walden Two Author: B.F. Skinner Pages: 301 I. SETTING: A. Time: mid 1940’s (after the end of WWII) B. Place: Walden Two, R.D. I, Canton C. Detailed description of the opening scene: Rogers and Steve just returning from war, and looking for a new beginning read an article on a man named Frazier who was planning to begin an experimental utopian society. They immediately become intrigued by the idea. Their interest brought them to the office of Professor Burris, one their former teachers to ask if he knew anything about Frazier, or about the new society Frazier is trying to build. Burris remembers Frazier as a classmate at his graduate school; he recalls his extremist ideas and his dislike for the institution. He also recalls discussions the two had shared about this "Utopian society." Reluctantly Burris agrees to contact Frazier, and sends him a letter. Immediately and enthusiastically he replies inviting Burris’ and his friends to visit the new community he has developed. Burris meets with the two men to inform them of the invitation, and agrees to take time off, to accomp any Rogers and Steve on a visit to "Walden Two," Frazier’s community. Rodger’s girlfriend Barbara, Steve’s girlfriend Mary, and Burris's colleague Castle also accompany them on the visit. II. THEME: a one-sentence statement of the theme of your novel Walden Two was Skinner’s attempt to portray what would occur if behaviorism were used to curve our society, he depicted a solution to the problems of modern life that involved a new beginning, an flee from our current society, and a dismissal of our political and econo... ...cters visiting the Utopian society of Walden Two engage in an abundance of dialogue, in order to discover the spirit and the principles behind this new community of Walden Two. Set speeches by main characters illustrate the points that Skinner wishes to make to the reader. Don't get me wrong, the ideas are challenging and the reading is not painful; there is even some dramatic tension. The thought of a society like Walden Two is intriguing, and the detail used by Skinner gives the reader a clear picture of what this society may look like, and how it operates. Overall the book was good, it was an enjoyable read, and wasn’t like other novels, it was individual. I would recommend this book to anyone who is open- minded, and is intrigued by the operations and possibility of alternate societies.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Josh Hutcherson Essay

Josh Hutcherson Not Afraid to Be Himself Many celebrities to this day are recognized for their scandalous acts and wrong doings. Not many people stay true to themselves in today’s society, even less are willing to donate their time and money to help others that need it. Josh Hutcherson is one of these people in others eyes, he has always been himself either on set of a movie or at home with his loved ones. As a child he had to deal with the lose of both of his uncles, they died from AIDS during the height of the epidemic. â€Å"They were n their early thirties, in great shape, but unfortunately they were taken away from us too soon. Both passed away at about the time I was born. † (Hutcherson). Though he didn’t get a chance to meet his uncles, he saw how this affected the rest of his family and from that point on he wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t die in vain. Josh Hutcherson is a hero to many for his desire to help others, always staying true to himself, and donating his time and money to charities. Josh Hutcherson was born in Union, Kentucky as an only child and at the age of four his ounger brother was born. Shortly after he started to become interested in acting and being on television, his parents figured it was just a phase like most children would have. Over the years his fascination with acting grew stronger to his mothers surprise and she eventually decided to help him pursue his goal so at the age of nine josh and his family moved to California. After getting settled down josh started auditioning for roles and landed very few, very minor parts. But with his determination he landed a role in ER in 2003 ( Anonymous , 2012) . From that point on josh’s acting areer took off and he starred in many TV shows and some small movies. After â€Å"Bridge to Terabithia† was released he was a highly regarded actor and many studio s wanted him to fill in roles. He quickly made friends that had the same lifestyle and views as himself, one of the most prominent was Avan Jogia. Avan founded the organization called SBNN (Straight But Not Narrow). Avan, an actor, musician, writer, and big picture thinker. His idea, his passion and his voice started it all. Seeing the hardships young adults face, both in and out of school, ignited his desire to take a stand against ullying. (anonymous) Josh knew he wanted to be a part of something great and became a part of the group and helped spread the message. Actors today are usually fake and doing what their name implies, acting. Yet, some do stay true to their ways and don’t let all the fame and attention sway them. Hutcherson is a perfect example of this. You can see that even in his movies the roles he plays are true to his own personality, some stars that have worked with him on set have said that even offstage he has the same nice, boyish charm that his characters have in movies. Ever since he was nine and started acting he has always been himself even tho most studios and sponsors want him to act fake and perfect he wants to always stay true to himself and not ever put on an act just to please someone else. Being yourself with all of the stress and publicity is an extraordinarily large task and many fail to do so. But Hutcherson is one of the few that have rose above the others and proved himself as a strong idividual As a small child Hutcherson had a very strong personality and always spoke his mind, this characteristic has stuck with him his whole life and he is still the same way to this day. So when something wasn’t right, Hutcherson would not hesitate to speak up. Because of the death of his uncles to AIDS and how they were treated for being homosexuals he hated when someone treated anyone like they didn’t matter. He hated bullying and whenever he hears about it or witnesses it, he feels the strong need to do something. Hutcherson clearly expresses his feelings towards gays being bullied for who they like, Josh Hutcherson received the Van Guard award at the GLAAD Media Awards for his help to stop gay bullying( Giannotta, 2012) . Helping others that are being bullied or that need someone there or him have just been natural to Hutcherson. Because of Hutcherson family history with homosexuality he had very strong views on gay rights and equality of all people. He decided to join his friend Avan Jogia and his organization â€Å"Straight But Not Narrow†, this was a group dedicated to opening the eyes of others to the fact that we shouldn’t care wh o a person dates, its about the persons personality and actions(Jogia, 2011) . He became the main advocate for the group and has been the most active member since the start. But Hutcherson has done more deeds outside of SBNN as well. On June 3, 2012 Hutcherson took place in a charity celebrity picnic where many popular stars and actors come together and throw a picnic. This even has raised more than $33 million since 1989 to fund pediatric AIDS research and the Foundation’s international medical programs to prevent new HIV infections in babies and to keep HIV-positive mothers alive through lifesaving treatment (anonymous, 2012). Hutcherson has done a lot of things to help kids and even adults in need since his career took of, making him a hero to many people who know of the actors deeds.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advantage of science Essay

Science gives us safe food, free from harmful bacteria, in clean containers or hygienic tins. It also teaches us to eat properly, indicating a diet balanced in protein and carbohydrate and containing vitamins. The results is freedom from disease and prolonged life. In pre-scientific days, food was monotonous and sometimes dangerous; today it is safe and varied. It is varied because through improved sea, land and air transport food can now be freely imported and exported. Science has also improved clothing and made it more appropriate for climatic and working conditions. Man-made fibers and versatile spinning machines, today enable us to dress in clothes both comfortable and smart without being expensive. Home, school and office all bear witness to the progress and application of science. Nowadays, most homes possess electric lighting and cooking, but many also have washing machines, vacuum cleaners and kitchen appliances, all designed to increase comfort and cleanliness and reduce dr udgery. Science produces the fan which cools the air, the machinery which makes the furniture and fabrics, and hundred and one other features for good living. The books and papers are at school, and again everything from the piece of chalk to the closed-circuit television of instruction are the direct or indirect results of scientific progress. Learning is therefore easier. And clerical work is made far more speedy and efficient by the office typewriter, quite apart from the hundreds of different machines which relieve the manual worker of so much slow and monotonous toil in the factories. The first and the major advantage is that medical science is very progressive and vastly available. Without the needed technology a lot of people would struggle with their health. More complicated treatments are being carried out successfully, by means of science and technology. These include surgeries, heart and kidney transplant, artificial inseminations and many others. These treatments are saving many innocent lives. The point is to spread it, and reach with medicine help to the poor nations of the Third World. Again, advanced technology improves industry by making it more effective and, what is vital today, safer for environment. Modern technology has introduced various sophisticated machines into our industries which is increasing productivity at a very fast rate. Work that required technological advancements have made the world a smaller place to live in Dissemination : whether spreading  information, broadcasting news, or sharing knowledge, technology has made it faster, easier, and smarter. Education Disadvantage  with the new science and technology developments most people underestimate the damage it gives us. First of all, I would like to say, that with these new science and technical appliances people became to be lazy. They rarely go out to work on foot or by a bicycle. Now there are a lot of modern cars in the cities, which are said to be emitting less gas. But still their emitted gasses damage the environment, so to my mind, that is why pollution of our environment is increasing. Secondly, it seems to me, that technologies are throwing away our free time. For example, these new laptop computer or those touch-screen devices are full of entertaining programs, which are attracting people effectively. Then people forget how to communicate with others in real life, not through international communication systems like â€Å"Skype† or â€Å"Facebook†.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


In 1936 the British created a military school in Egypt and I was among the first of its students. When I graduated from the academy I received a government post where I met Gamal Abdel Nasser who would one day rule Egypt. The pair bonded and formed a revolutionary group designed to overthrow British rule and expel the British from Egypt. Before the group could succeed the British arrested me but I escaped two years later In 1946 1 was again arrested this time after being implicated in the assassination of pro-British minister Amin Othman. Imprisoned until 1948 when he as acquitted upon release I Joined Nassers Free Officers organization and was involved in the groups armed uprising against the Egyptian monarchy in 1952. Four years later I supported Nassers rise to the presidency. I held several high offices in Nassers administration eventually becoming vice president of Egypt. Nasser died on September 28, 1970 and I became acting president winning the position for good in a nationwide vote on October 15, 1970. I immediately set about separating myself from Nasser in both domestic and foreign policies. Domestically I initiated the open-door policy known as infltah an economic program designed to attract foreign trade and investment. While the idea was progressive the move created high inflation and a large gap between the rich and poor thereby fostering unease and contributing to the food riots of January 1977. Where I really made an impact was on foreign policy as I began peace talks with which proposed that peace could come if Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula and I and Syria built a military coalition to retake the territory This action ignited the October War from which I emerged with added respect in the Arab community A few years after the Yom Kippur War I restarted my efforts to build peace in the Middle East traveling to Jerusalem in November 1977 and presenting his peace plan to the Israel parliament. Thus began a series of diplomatic effort swith I was making overtures to Israel in the face of strong Arab resistance across the region. United States President Jimmy Carter brokered the negotiations between I and Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin and a preliminary peace agreement the Camp David Accords was agreed upon between Egypt and Israel in September 1978. For their historic efforts I and Begin were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1978 and follow through on the negotiations resulted in a finalized peace treaty between Egypt and Israel the first between Israel and an Arab country being signed on March 26, 1979. unfortunately my popularity abroad was matched by a new animosity felt toward me in Egypt and around the Arab world. Opposition to the treaty a declining Egyptian economy and my quashing of the resulting dissent led to general upheaval. on October 6, 1981.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How to drive defensively Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to drive defensively - Essay Example learning to ride a motorcycle it was necessary for me to always remember that other people were unlikely to see me due to the fact that I took up such a small place on the road. With this in mind, I would oftentimes remind myself that I was in fact invisible once I was on the road. In this way, I was sure to be able to anticipate the actions and maneuvers of erratic drivers that necessarily existed on the roads (Gravelle 16). Furthermore, when I would transition to driving the car, I would oftentimes forget that I was not still on the motorcycle and was able to still keep the invisibility frame of mind open with respect to driving the car. Although it is somewhat silly, this frame of mind is an integral part of what defensive driving involves. As such, defensive driving involves the correct frame of mind, a cognizance that other drivers might do the unexpected, and a perpetual state of alertness. With respect to the perpetual state of alertness, it is easy for one to become preoccupied by the many distractions that exist both on the road and inside the vehicle (Lithing 12). For instance, answering a cell phone, speaking with a friend in the passenger or back seat, straining to find an address or attempting to read a sign or billboard, changing a radio station or selecting a particular song from a playlist, even flirting with the occupant of the car beside you in traffic are all prime examples of just a few of the many ways that a driver can be distracted. Similarly, this distraction does not only apply to the driver who is fighting to maintain a focus, but also to those drivers with whom the defensive driver is trying to avoid and/or anticipate. This leads us to the last component of defensive driving – anticipation. As previously discussed, the tools that have been presented revolve around the driver keeping a correct frame of mind and avoiding distraction. As such, both of these skills rationally lead up to the concept of anticipation (Williams 4).