Thursday, October 17, 2019

Steps to Success in Academia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Steps to Success in Academia - Essay Example Use of clock for time management helps in doing a job with in dedicated time. I use my spare time in jogging and listening music to freshen up my mind. I take interest in studies and sports for distraction from domestic issues. Difficult subjects can be easily understood by comparing them with the daily life. Bright future is the big motivational factor in making someone to do well in academics and academic success is not possible without motivation. The motivational factors as highlighted by Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002) are achievement goals, self-efficacy and they explain that these factors are essential in enabling a student to gain academic success. All the five senses need to be fully used for better results. I used to prepare weekly study schedule according to a timetable to follow it easily. I divided the time in three categories. These are sleeping time, class hours and personal time. I followed the schedule strictly for better comprehension. I left all other activities du ring study times and got confidence. Pre reading is the essence of good academic performance. I used to spend one hour in reading the subjects of next day’s classes. Summaries and introductions of the topics are always helpful in understanding the complete topic. Internet should be used to find more information about the topic. Pre reading is also useful in revision of the same topic. Abraham Lincoln says and I quote, â€Å"A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others.† (Brainy Quote 2011). We read what has already been discussed and discovered but this adds to our knowledge and eventually enables us to gain academic success. I always find tables very useful for learning. I used to sub divide the topic into different categories. Making tables for those categories help in understanding different characteristics. Tables are also good for comparison between different topics. I always divided my daily time for different su bjects. Weekends must be given to those subjects that need more attention and preparation. It is always difficult to study one subject throughout the day. Breaks in-between the study hours should be used in different sort of sports and health activities. Progressively time can be adjusted for different subjects as the study progresses. Studying same thing for complete day is sometimes full of fatigue and boredom also. Therefore, the same subject should be planned for three days for 4 hours each day provided situation permits so. For me, group study is the best way of learning. This helps in learning from each other’s knowledge. This is less boring and less stressful. Frequent questions can be asked from the group members and instant solutions can be found. Difficult topics should be tackled through group studies. Sharing of notes and ideas makes group study very interesting. Robert Quillen says, â€Å"Discussion is a exchange of knowledge†. Discussion is only there whe n we sit in groups to study due to which, there is fruitful exchange of knowledge that is helpful for all the students studying in groups. (Brainy Quote 2011) Problem solving is best done by group studies. I always tried to find out problem and then ask group to resolve it. Then the best suitable answer can be remembered without any revision. This is the best way to create interest in problem solving. Use of clock or timer is basic element of success in academics. Class quizzes and examinations must be timed for rapid

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