Monday, December 23, 2019

Individual Moralities, Social Responsibilities and...

In the essay by J.S. Mill, â€Å"Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual,† he claims that â€Å"No person ought to be punished for simply being drunk†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the build up to this conclusion, he offers several explanations for his reasoning, which include individual morality and responsibility, public interference and establishing precisely where authority over an individual beings for the society. As an individual within a society, you become obliged to follow certain codes of conduct, regardless of your own individual morals. To maintain a harmonious balance within a society, each person must behave within a certain code of conduct towards the rest of the individuals and the society as a whole. Although the â€Å"code† does not ask individuals to change their own morals, it does ask that they not injure the interests or rights of others. One must also realize that their morals may differ from that of another individual. Although they may practice their right of freedom by living according to their own morals and beliefs, they must still attempt to live within this social code of conduct. Furthermore, it becomes the responsibility of one’s self to ensure they are respecting the benefits given to them as a part of the society. As Mill says, â€Å"Everyone who receives the protection of society owes a return for the benefit.† (16) This can be achieved in various ways, such as returning good deeds, and acting in good faith towards the society. Unfortunately, it is often muchShow MoreRelatedSources of Ethics20199 Words   |  81 PagesSubpoenas or Other Legal Process 98 XII. DISCIPLINARY ACTION AND VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE 98 XIV. APPLICATION/WAIVERS 100 XV. TO REPORT AN ETHICS VIOLATION 101 2.63- Many professional and industries association’s code of ethics: 102 RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PROFESSIONAL: 102 3.0- CONCLUSION: 105 4.0-REFFERENCES 106 1.0- JOHN STEINER AND GEORGE STEINER SIX PRIMARY SOURCES OF ETHICS: Six primary sources have been identified in the American business area by ethics scholarsRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesenough reasons. You applied this principle when you asked Juanita why she thought it best to leave. Similarly, if you expect people to accept your own conclusion, then its your responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate. If you expect people to accept your own conclusion, then its your responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate. Lets examine that last remark. A conclusion backed up by one or more reasons in any order is called an argument, even when the reasoner

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