Thursday, January 9, 2020

Synthesis Of Most Coagulation Factors And Inhibitors

Discussion: Liver has many haemostatic functions including the synthesis of most coagulation factors and inhibitors as well as fibrinolytic factors. The balance between procoagulant and anticoagulant factors is essential to prevent excessive blood loss from injured vessels and to prevent spontaneous thrombosis (11).The global effect of liver disease with regard to hemostasis is therefore complex, so that patients with advanced liver disease can experience severe bleeding or even thrombotic complications (12). Non- PVT group At presentation (N=26) After 6 months (N=26) p No % No % Gastropathy Gastropathy grade I 3 11.53 4 15.3 0.6 Gastropathy grade II 4 15.38 3 11.5 Gastropathy grade III 3 11.53 0 0 Esophageal varices OV I 2 7.69 3 11.5 OV II 3 11.53 3 11.5 0.09 OV III 5 19.23 2 7.6 OV IV 4 15.38 1 3.8 ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 12, 1539 – 1548 1545 In our study as regards presence of co- morbid factors namely DM and hypertension, the prevalence of DM and hypertension was higher in PVT group than non-PVT group, these results match the findings reported by Martinelli et al. (13) who clarified that hypertension and DM were associated with increased risk of PVT. That finding may be attributed to the association of dyslipidemia with diabetes and increased risk of atherosclerosis, so patients with liver cirrhosis and associated diabetes or hypertension carry the risk for PVT more than cirrhotic patients without them. 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