Thursday, May 7, 2020

Elderly Nutrition - 1540 Words

Introduction Throughout the last decade and into the current century the older population will continue expand in size and diversity. Individual older people differ greatly from one another in their nutrient requirements and need for nutrition services. The aging individual in good health who exercises regularly and takes few medications may have nutrient requirements that are similar to those of younger adults of the same sex, build, and health status. Conversely, the chronically ill elderly adult who is regularly taking a wide variety of drugs is likely to have increased need for particular nutrients as compared to his or her peers who enjoy good health. An active older persons living in the community who is able to obtain and prepare†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬â€œ dysgeusia, loss of taste – hyposmia (i.e., decreased sense of smell) Since taste and smell stimulate metabolic changes such as salivary gastric acid, and pancreatic secretions and increases in plasma levels of insulin; decreased sensory stimulation may impair these metabolic processes (Schiffman, 2000). 3. Oral changes: Diet and nutrition can be compromised by poor oral health. Tooth loss, use of dentures, and xerostomia (i.e., dry mouth, lack of salivation) can lead to difficulties chewing and swallowing. Denture wearers chew less efficiently, People with these mouth problems often prefer soft, easily chewed foods and avoid some nutritionally dense options such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and meats (Wyatt, 2002 and Akimoto et al., 2003). 4. Gastrointestinal tract changes: Decreases in taste sensation and saliva production make eating less pleasurable and more difficult. Dysphagia due to weakened tongue or cheek muscles can make chewing and swallowing both difficult and dangerous. Dysphagia increases the risk for aspiration pneumonia, an infection caused by food or fluids entering the lungs. Thickened liquids and texture modified foods can help people with dysphagia eat safely. Gastric changes can also affect a persons ability to eat. Decreased gastric mucosa leadsShow MoreRelatedNutrition And The Home Bound Elderly1394 Words   |  6 PagesNutrition and the Home Bound Elderly The provision of nutrition services is critical to all individuals as it ensures the access to healthy food as well as education on proper nutrition. However, the ill and the elderly have an increased need for nutrition services as this could facilitate disease management, improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. 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