Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Innovation, knowledge and learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Innovation, knowledge and learning - Assignment Example Knowledge management is undertaken with great zeal and initiative in today’s organizations and accounts for a key success factor for them too. It primarily addresses the ways in which organizations might manage the knowledge existing within its systems and its employees. It also provides the basis on which information technology may be used for leveraging the existing knowledge and creating or generating new knowledge too. A more effective solution is reached at when this knowledge is transferred or integrated into sets of policies for capturing and generating more knowledge. The firms are considered to be a network of relationships existing between individuals, groups and sub units who are further embedded into a broader network of relationships with competitors, customers, suppliers, and other organizations. However, the superficial aspects of contexts and problems would have to be eliminated for the transfer of knowledge to be successful. This is also true that in cases where knowledge is applied inappropriately or in such contexts where is does not fit rightly, it is likely to result in fall in performance. That is why the topic of knowledge transfer has attained great importance and the field of research. (Baum, 2002, p.198). The project seeks to make a critical evaluation of an article on knowledge management through making a comprehensive review of the case study of ‘InTouch’ within Schlumberger. It evaluates the ways in which knowledge is created, mobilized and diffused within the organization. The analysis of the paper in conducted w ith the use of adequate academic references. The project is conducted using qualitative research techniques in which the literature review provides critical analysis of the researches conducted before providing statements for or against the topic; and the data analysis is done using secondary research techniques. The data are integrated and compiled to arrive at the research findings and analysis. Critical Literature Globalization and the innovation are very closely related in the modern era. Globalization is one of the most important events of the civilization (Ervin, Smith, 2008, p. 7). The concept has brought immense changes in the thinking process of the human beings and development of new ideas and innovations in the world. Innovation is used in every field of the social behaviour of human beings and new things are generating every day for the enhancement of the lifestyle and business processes. Innovation in the field are also used in the industries and for the enhancement of the business functions knowledge management system is the latest technology used to build a knowledge base for the employees in the organization for the learning and innovation process. According to the author Robert Thierauf, in a knowledge management system the most important aspect for the firm is the storing of data which acts as the real knowledge of the firm. The collective knowledge of the different employees and the experiences from the different sources of the organization are organized at a single database for discovering at later stages (Thierauf, 1999, p. 72). But on the contrary by the author Stuart Barnes, knowledge reflects a phenomenon which is very difficult to quantify as it is the most difficult activity to segregate knowledge from other activities. Each and every aspects of the daily life can be a dynamic source of knowledge for everyone. Rather than its theoretical aspect it is more about practical implementation of the daily understanding of business processes (Barnes, 2002, p. 99). According to the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), organizations need to evaluate their activities and implement strategies for building an efficient

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