Friday, August 9, 2019

Manager's leading role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Manager's leading role - Essay Example Thee in-turn encompa more pecific dutie which will be dicued later. Manager Cae-tudy:Buine Name - Playtec Pty LtdName - Matthew tewartAge - 29Phone No - *******Poition Held - General ManagerBuine ize - mall (approximately 20-employee)Buine Decription - Playtec Pty Ltd i a manufacturer of indoor oftplay equiptment, ditributed nationwide and occaionally overea. A a General Manager of a mall buine, Matthew' management role conit of interdependent-factor coordinated into an organied 'ytem' to allow efficient allocation of reource through well-planned adminitration, complimenting D.A Holt definition of "defining organizational objective and then articulating trategie, tactic and objective that are neceary to achieve thee objective." (Holt,-1987,-p.793). Thee are divided into the three main egment of reponibility, collectively known a the Mintzberg' Management role. Under Interperonal management role, Matthew i een a a 'figurehead' in playtec, ometime being referred to a the "heart'n'oul" of the company. Although not the buine owner, the role of a leader i one he ha aumed, taking-on the reponibility of planning and providing future growth under one' 'umbrella' of reponibility for operation and employee. Taking a large amount of reponibility for buine function, a well a the peronal well-being of it' employee, Matthew ucceed in the "getting-it-done" part of the management proce. Manager do thi by motivating people to accomplih the tak through coaching and praie. They alo make key deciion that enable tak to be completed (Robbin, Coulter, 2003 pg256). Taking peronal reponibility not only for buine function and operation, but of the peronal well-being and of it' employee, ha allowed Matthew to take-advantage of the maller buine tructure to connect with hi "underling" on a peronal level, motivating them through friendhip and loyalty, not only bringing employee to work in a poitive manner toward the buinee-goal, but allowing "empowered group a full reponibility to develop a project plan and carry out the tak within the plan within contraint from the enior group. Thee contraint can only include iue uch a budget, ize, weight etc. (Dale, E., 1978)A a liaion, Matthew excel, addreing the entire workplace a well a employee individually on matter both relating to workplace performance, evaluation and peronal matter. He alo liaie efficiently between the upper-level, or organiation-level of the buine, to the factory-floor many time a day to enure buine goal meet at every level, a well a co-coordinating (with the buine owner) the companie netw ork of upplier. He i attentive and "controlling" of the proper and efficient method of manufacturing, and often take on the role of training new peronnel, enuring quality-control of the final product and maintenance of the current 'buine-model'. Thi alo prevent employee taking "artitic-libertie" by cutting corner and changing et practice, following the cientific-management model

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